Evropska prestolnica kulture Maribor 2012
European Capital of Culture Maribor 2012
Ključi mesta
Town keys
soavtorica / co-author Aleksandra Saška Gruden
arhitektura / architecture Urban Jeriha
produkcija / production Društvo Preboj
trajna postavitev okoli Čeligijevega stolpa, Maribor
long-term installation around Tscheligi tower, Maribor
Architectural-sculptural project ZIDNICE protects the historic Tscheligi tower, which used
to be a part of medieval defence wall and creates a poetically upgraded demarcation, but also connects the
tower and the city .This temporary fence
merges with its surrounding due to intentionally chosen material-rusty-patinated
steel. The cut-out text in the form of the horizontal fries leads a spectator around
the tower and allows him to see through
the fence.
EPK Maribor 2012 o projektu / about the project
fotografije /photos: Janez Marolt
Otvoritveni performens / Opening dance performance
Mojca Kasjak (Plesna izba Maribor)
Tina Sovič - tolkala / percussion
Ustvarjanje besedila pesmi v brajici (Medobčinsko društvo slepih in slabovidnih Maribor)
Braille-text making workshop with blind persons
Nadaljevanje delavnice bo konec avgusta 2012
work in progress
Več fotografij otvoritve in projekta / more photos of project and exhibition
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